"No one can do everything, but everyone can do something."
In ABCR's first year, 25 Border Collies were rescued, rehabilitated, and re-homed. In ABCR's second year, 115 Border Collies were accepted into the program, most of whom found their forever homes. In our third year (2011), ABCR rescued 220 Border Collies and found homes for over 170. In 2014, we have adopted out our 1000th Border Collie. We have been very successful, but there are still more that could be saved. All we need is a little help. Are you interested in helping? Not sure how? Here are just a few ways you can help. It’s something you will never regret!
1. Foster a dog for us. Fosters are our greatest need!! Please consider fostering a border collie in transition. All Border Collie Rescue pays for everything except for food! Long term fostering is anywhere from two weeks to 12 months, usually averaging two to three months. An example of a short term foster situation would be if we want to pull a dog from a shelter in San Antonio and have a foster in Houston lined up, but the dog needs to stay in a short term foster home until transport can be arranged. If you are interested in fostering, please fill out the foster application.
2. Volunteer. Aside from fostering, volunteers are always needed for transporting, shelter evaluations, training, and working rescue events. We appreciate whatever time you have to give!
We need transporters. People who volunteer to carry an extra dog or two on an already scheduled trip that coincides with where we need to move dogs, or people who sign up to make a round trip between their city and another one 1-2 hours away as part of a connection as we move from one foster to the next or from the foster to their forever home.
We need people to work events. We have Meet and Greets monthly in Houston, ideally each dog attending should have a person dedicated to handling the dog and answering questions.
We need people to evaluate dogs under consideration for our program. It's important to know about temperament and health before pulling a dog. How do they react to strange people, dogs or cats? Are they fearful? Aggressive? Excited? We also need clear photos and video if possible. Unfortunately shelter photos are often blurry and make breed identification difficult.
If you are interested in helping us in our mission to save lives, please fill out the form below:
3. If you want to help, but can't commit, share our cause with others: share our Facebook posts (our Facebook link is at the bottom of every page) and let people know about our fundraisers and events. Watch our Videos HERE. They are dedicated to everyone that had any part in rescue that year, in any way!!
4. Donate. The average cost to save one dog is $400. You can help reduce our costs by making a tax-deductible donation. All money goes directly to saving another border collie. All donations will be acknowledged with a thank you and receipt. Donations can be made through Pay Pal (link at the bottom of the page).
or mailed to:
All Border Collie Rescue
P.O. Box 130251
The Woodlands, TX 77393
5. Matching Contributions. Ask your employer about matching donations. All Border Collie Rescue will gladly supply the paperwork needed for your business to match any money that you donate.
6. Do a Supply Drive. All Border Collie Rescue always needs items necessary to supply their foster homes with everything they need. Items you can collect are crates, dog food, grooming tools, old towels, treats, collars, leashes, toys, bedding, carriers, gift cards, and paper towels. ABC will gladly pick up any items that you collect.
7. Help ABCR every time you shop online at Amazon! AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at AmazonSmile, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from all your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to your favorite charitable organization. (We hope that’s All Border Collie Rescue!)
To select your charity with AmazonSmile simply go HERE from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. Amazon will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make on AmazonSmile will result in a donation. You may also want to add the bookmark smile.amazon.com to your browser, making it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile. (When you make a purchase the logo at the top left of the screen should be Amazon.Smile.)
Your account will be the same on AmazonSmile as it was on Amazon.com. Your shopping cart, Wish List, wedding or baby registry, and other account settings are also the same.
You can change your charity any time. (But after selecting All Border Collie Rescue, why would you want to.) Your AmazonSmile purchases (after the change) will count towards your newly selected charity. To change your charity, sign in to smile.amazon.com on your desktop or mobile phone browser and simply select “Change your Charity” in “Your Account.”
8. Buy items for our foster dogs on the All Border Collie Rescue Amazon Wish List. There are people that prefer not to make monetary donations and we understand that. However, they can still help us help the dogs. Did you know that All Border Collie Rescue has a wish list on Amazon.com. Just follow the link below to our Amazon Wish List. Add one or more items to your Cart and then “Proceed to Checkout”. At Checkout you will have the option to select All Border Collie Rescue as a “Ship to this address”. Remember to print out your receipt, All Border Collie Rescue is a 501c3 organization and all contributions are tax deductible. All donations and contributions are greatly appreciated and helps us save more dogs. At All Border Collie Rescue it’s ALWAYS all about the Dogs. Use this LINK.
9. Go Krogering with All Border Collie Rescue. If you have a Kroger card, please register your Kroger Rewards Card on-line and choose All Border Collie Rescue as your non-profit of choice (#84122). Then, every time you shop, Kroger will be donating a percentage of the sale to All Border Collie Rescue. Follow this link to sign up or if you already have a Kroger Rewards Card, re-assign your non-profit to All Border Collie Rescue (#84122). Use this LINK. We thank you and the dogs will too!
10. Join IGIVE. Join iGive.com to support All Border Collie Rescue. It's free, safe, and easy to join. Use this LINK. Don't feel like registering? Take iSearchiGive.com out for a spin and raise a penny (or more!) per search. Just visit HERE and type "All Border Collie Rescue" in the "Select Your Cause" area. OR... Shop through iGive.com's online mall. OR... Raise a penny search at iSearchiGive.com. The iGive Mall features over 700 trusted online retailers like Amazon.com, Staples, Nordstrom, JCPenney, eBay, Expedia.com, Barnes & Noble, QVC, & PETsMART to name just a few! You'll NEVER pay more when you reach these stores through iGive.com. And if you take advantage of the coupons and free shipping deals posted at iGive, you might even save a few bucks! And with iSearchiGive.com, each qualified search earns a penny (or more!) for your cause. Up to 26% of EACH purchase through iGive benefits your cause, along with a penny (or more!) per qualified search at iSearchiGive.com. Make that first purchase within 45 days and get a bonus $5 donation, too!
11. Subscribe to BarkBox. What is BarkBox? BarkBox is a New York City based dog-lovin' company that sends high quality dog products to your pup every month. Each box is full of 4-6 goodies like bones, bully sticks, toys, treats, gadgets, shampoos, hygiene products, and more. Check out their Website HERE! Get $10 off any BarkBox subscription and support All Border Collie Rescue! For every coupon used on BarkBox.com, our rescue will get a $10 donation from BarkBox. Be sure to use our special promo code: ACBRBBX1 Help us meet our goal of 100 subscriptions and raise $1000.